Becoming A Member
Membership Seminar
If you would like to learn more about our church, you are welcome to attend the next Membership Seminar, where CrossTown pastors will lay out our church’s vision, values and beliefs. This seminar is required if you plan on pursuing formal membership in our church, and is also a great forum for asking any questions you may have about the Christian faith or about CrossTown.
Register for the next Membership Seminar by seeing one of our pastors with questions or for more information. Upcoming seminars will be posted in our monthly Church Bulletin.
Membership Questionnaire
After attending the seminar, if you are interesting in pursuing membership you will fill out a membership questionnaire, and sign the CrossTown Membership Covenant.
Elder Interviews
You will then be scheduled for an interview with one of CrossTown’s pastors or elders. (Married couples will be interviewed together.) This will be a time for our pastors/elders to get to know you, learn a little about your experience of the gospel and to hear about your desire to join CrossTown. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any remaining questions you might have about the church.
Reception at Worship
Once you’re approved for membership by CrossTown’s pastors and elders, you will be received formally during a Sunday worship service. Formal reception simply involves taking your membership vows (that is, affirming the CrossTown Covenant). If you have not yet been baptized in a Christian church, you will also be baptized following your membership vows.
If you would like more information on membership See our Church Administrator.
If you would like to learn more about our church, you are welcome to attend the next Membership Seminar, where CrossTown pastors will lay out our church’s vision, values and beliefs. This seminar is required if you plan on pursuing formal membership in our church, and is also a great forum for asking any questions you may have about the Christian faith or about CrossTown.
Register for the next Membership Seminar by seeing one of our pastors with questions or for more information. Upcoming seminars will be posted in our monthly Church Bulletin.
Membership Questionnaire
After attending the seminar, if you are interesting in pursuing membership you will fill out a membership questionnaire, and sign the CrossTown Membership Covenant.
Elder Interviews
You will then be scheduled for an interview with one of CrossTown’s pastors or elders. (Married couples will be interviewed together.) This will be a time for our pastors/elders to get to know you, learn a little about your experience of the gospel and to hear about your desire to join CrossTown. This is also an opportunity for you to ask any remaining questions you might have about the church.
Reception at Worship
Once you’re approved for membership by CrossTown’s pastors and elders, you will be received formally during a Sunday worship service. Formal reception simply involves taking your membership vows (that is, affirming the CrossTown Covenant). If you have not yet been baptized in a Christian church, you will also be baptized following your membership vows.
If you would like more information on membership See our Church Administrator.