“Often dismissed as downtown Boston’s hinterland, or seen as a lack-luster district...
Crosstown is more than a puzzling inner-city…
It represents a core city phenomenon…”
(Crosstown: Enigma or Economic Engine, E. Selvarajah)
Thank you for taking the time to find out more about CrossTown Church and our community. CrossTown Church is a growing church plant, started in Boston, MA on September 24, 2006 as a kingdom expression to families and communities in Boston's innercity and beyond. We hope that after you look through our website and attend a worship service, you will consider becoming a more active part of our growing community of faith.
Led by Pastors Ronald and Kathleen Verna, CrossTown Church offers many ministries for people of all ages and walks of life who are looking for a transformational relationship with Christ.
Our Mission Statement
CrossTown Church is a core city fellowship and apostolic congregation raised by the power of the Cross to faithfully release the prophetic, priestly and kingly message of Christ. Building on the Acts 2 model, we are committed to growing a vibrant Jesus movement from the Dudley Street neighborhood to the six urban centers of CrossTown, spreading the three-fold anointing through New England to the nations.
Our Vision
“These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” Acts 17:6
As a non-denominational, Christian church of Spirit-filled believers, deeply committed to the Bible, devotedly following Jesus Christ, and loving our neighbors, we aim to radically impact our community and our city. The Dudley Street neighborhood, often characterized by the media and public as a blighted urban core, is one of the six strategic locations that make-up the three-mile Crosstown crescent of Boston. CrossTown Church is excited about its beginnings in the Dudley area. We see God at work in the renaissance of Dudley village and in all the neighborhoods of Crosstown. We see Crosstown bursting with prophetic potential that speaks hope to the city and throughout thethe region. We are living out the dream of being a multi-ethnic, multi-class and multi-generational community of faith.
“Often dismissed as downtown Boston’s hinterland, or seen as a lack-luster district...
Crosstown is more than a puzzling inner-city…
It represents a core city phenomenon…”
(Crosstown: Enigma or Economic Engine, E. Selvarajah)
Thank you for taking the time to find out more about CrossTown Church and our community. CrossTown Church is a growing church plant, started in Boston, MA on September 24, 2006 as a kingdom expression to families and communities in Boston's innercity and beyond. We hope that after you look through our website and attend a worship service, you will consider becoming a more active part of our growing community of faith.
Led by Pastors Ronald and Kathleen Verna, CrossTown Church offers many ministries for people of all ages and walks of life who are looking for a transformational relationship with Christ.
Our Mission Statement
CrossTown Church is a core city fellowship and apostolic congregation raised by the power of the Cross to faithfully release the prophetic, priestly and kingly message of Christ. Building on the Acts 2 model, we are committed to growing a vibrant Jesus movement from the Dudley Street neighborhood to the six urban centers of CrossTown, spreading the three-fold anointing through New England to the nations.
Our Vision
“These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” Acts 17:6
As a non-denominational, Christian church of Spirit-filled believers, deeply committed to the Bible, devotedly following Jesus Christ, and loving our neighbors, we aim to radically impact our community and our city. The Dudley Street neighborhood, often characterized by the media and public as a blighted urban core, is one of the six strategic locations that make-up the three-mile Crosstown crescent of Boston. CrossTown Church is excited about its beginnings in the Dudley area. We see God at work in the renaissance of Dudley village and in all the neighborhoods of Crosstown. We see Crosstown bursting with prophetic potential that speaks hope to the city and throughout thethe region. We are living out the dream of being a multi-ethnic, multi-class and multi-generational community of faith.